Reduction of armed violence and securitization
With the aims of reducing armed violence and promoting security, we develop solutions on demand and in situ of advice, training, and specialized assistance for our clients. We answer the needs of states, NGOs, international or regional institutions and private corporations.
We organize our training sessions on demand, in situ or in official training centers in Africa, Asia, South America and Europe. We discuss with you the appropriate agenda tailored to your needs and calendar.
Organization of technical and management training on demand, in situ.
NEDEX – Level 1 to 3+
PSSM (Physical Security and Stockpile Management of the Supply of Muni)
Training linked to the control of light weapons and small caliber
Counter IED
Project management
Information management
Prevention – raising awareness on risks
Knowledge of munitions and explosives
Audit/expertise and provision of experts
Help to find the appropriate governance (elaboration of national norms)
Preparation of the departure of potential collaborators who are most likely to intervene in a country put at risk at a given time.
We assist you throughout every step of your project by reinforcing your capacities:
Provision of internationally qualified experts, used to work in a multicultural environment in challenging conditions during short or long term missions.
Assistance in the realization of projects.
Technical support and mediation throughout every step of the project.
Support in the selection and availability of equipment and specific gear.
Assistance in the process of selection and contractualization of experts meeting the clients’ professional criteria and adaptability.
Execution of audit missions (quality, security).
Exploratory missions and study of feasibility prior to the beginning of a project in a new environment.
Elaboration and publication of documentation of technical and structural/conceptual relevance.
Support in the writing of SOPs, national norms and in the implementation of specialized documentation.