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Types and places of actions
Examples of activities which were carried out
num01 Benin/CPADD:
Training of the trainers/RDT
num02 BiH (Bosnia-Herzegovina):
Demining and monitoring of training projects
num03 Azerbaijan:
Technical support
num04 Tajikistan:
num05 Tajikistan:
Training + QM
num06 Djibouti:
La Douda expertise
num07 Senegal:
Direct project support in Casamance
num08 DRC:
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
num09 Brazzaville:
Exploration missions and project support
num10 Mali:
Exploration missions and project support
num11 Niger:
num12 Niger:
Defense speech amid the Touareg rebellion
num13 Mauritania:
PSSM & SAWL control
num00 Benin – Senegal – Mauritania:
Organization of regional francophone seminars

Global EOD Experts constantly recruits technicians and experts for assistance during its various missions

Global EOD Experts constantly recruits technicians and experts for assistance during its various missions

Project examples


Field of Intervention: PSSM

Activity: Technical assessment

Results: Delivery of a report of technical assessment that include recommendations on the organization and the implementation of a project of elimination of the excess of small arms and conventional munitions which saturate Tajik warehouses. These reports also deal with the improvement of the security of storage infrastructures as well as the stockpile management of weapons and munitions under the control of Tajik authorities.


Goal: Reinforcement of the national mine action program

Field of Intervention: Mine action and explosive remnants of war

Activity: Training, assistance and quality management

Results: Organization and implementation of training programs and bringing up to standard Tajik bomb-disposal experts. Implication of experts throughout every step of knowledge and skills acquisition related to demining and pyrotechnic clearance in post-conflict situations.

Main Training Programs:

  • Basic training of skilled workers in mine action
  • Training of team leaders in mine action
  • Training of both technical and non-technical investigation teams
  • Training of level 2 NEDEX pyrotechnic officers
  • Training of Quality Assurance/Quality Control agents

Project: BENIN

Field of Intervention: Mine action and explosive remnants of war

Activity: Training of CPADD tutors in the land release field

Results: Preparation and implementation of a training unit designed to offer a better understanding of the process of land release by the CPADD tutors. Can be added the appropriation of the tools used to deliver trainings in favor of a multicultural audience and diversified professional horizons (military and representatives of the civil society of which some are members of specialized NGOs).

Project : BENIN

Field of Intervention: Physical security and stockpile management of weapons and munitions

Activity: Training of the CPADD tutors in the PSSM field

Results: Preparation and implementation of a training unit designed to offer a better understanding of the PSSM process by the CPADD tutors. Can be added the appropriation of the tools used to deliver trainings in favor of a multicultural audience and diversified professional horizons (military and representatives of the civil society of which some are members of specialized NGOs).

Project : RDC

Field of Intervention: Pyrotechnic clearance

Activity: Operations’ quality management

Results: Compliance monitoring of clearance operations of the former ammunition depot of Lokossa camp (Eastern Province).
Built in 1948 by Belgian settlers and abandoned in 1996, this former storage site of 1248 m2 and located 1,5 km away from homes. Several thousands of munitions of all calibers were buried under the ground and lush vegetation before being moved and destroyed, requiring 3 months of work for a demining team.